

Color Wizard

The Color Wizard is a color matching application for anyone who wants to create designs with great looking colors.

Color Wizard

Colour Scheme

This colour schemer tool helps you choose colour schemes for monochromatic, analogic, complimentary, split complementary, triadic, and double contrast. It’s especially great for exploring color combinations easily and quickly.


Color Calculator

The free online Color Calculator is an interactive color wheel that helps designers select HTML, RGB, or CMYK colors, and identifies color harmonies and schemes.

Color Calculator


ColorJack is an online Color Scheme Generator used by Graphic Designers, Interior Decorators, and many other people from around the world.


Color Scheme Designer

Color Scheme Designer is very useful online tool to generate your own color scheme.

Color Scheme Designer


COPASO is an advanced color palette tool that helps you create the perfect color palette. If you’re finding COPASO a bit too rich for your color creating tastes, you can always use our basic color palette tool.


DHTML Goodies

Find matching colors for your web page.

DHTML Goodies

Color Wheel

Spin the color wheel and get a selection of three random colors. The color wheel randomizes among some 16 million colors. And since each spin produces three different colors, that gives endless combinations. (or 2 to the power of 70 or so, which is a very large number). Enough to keep anyone busy for a while.

Color Wheel


Toucan gives you the features you need to inject color into your creative process, used alone or in conjunction with our other creation tools.


Color Mixers

The color mixer tool shows a beautiful belnd of colors in steps ranging from 1 to 10. Just pick any 2 colors from the color palette to see the beautiful blend.

Color Mixers

Color Combos

Color combination is a tool which has a library of pre selected combinations in Combo Library and also lets you generate your own as Combo Tester which could be used to test website color combinations

Color Combos

Check My Colours

It is a tool for checking foreground and background color combinations of all DOM elements and determining if they provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits.

Check My Colours

Color Combos

A tool for web developers to test website color combinations, along with a library of pre-selected combinations.

Color Combos

PHOTOCOPA : Your Photos as Color Palettes

PHOTOCOPA is the best way to make a photo inspired color palette. Load up your own photo from anywhere on the web and add it to the gallery for others to use as inspiration or keep it private for only your use. You can also search for great photos on Flickr.

PHOTOCOPA : Your Photos as Color Palettes


ColorMunki is the industry’s hottest all-in-one color solution that delivers unparalleled color control and color creation tools for photo and design digital workflows.


Toucan Color Palettes

Used alone or in conjunction with our other creation tools, Toucan gives you the features you need to inject color into your creative process.

Toucan Color Palettes

Color Palette Generator

Enter the URL of an image to get a color palette that matches the image. This is useful for coming up with a website color palette that matches a key image a client wants to work with.

Color Palette Generator

Color Explorer

ColorExplorer is a free online toolbox for designing and working with color palettes.

Color Explorer


ColorSchemer Studio 2 is a professional color matching application for anyone from hobbyists to advanced professionals.



This application allows you to generate a color palette based upon an input image. This can be useful if you want your web page to have the same look and feel as a particular image. In addition to generating a color palette for the image, a color palette of complimentary colors is also generated. These are colors that are opposite of the ones that make up the normal color palette. This can be useful if you want your layout to have the opposite look of a particular image.


Firewheel Design

The ColorBurn widget features a new color palette every day, along with its hexadecimal values for all you web geeks out there. If you’re looking for some daily inspiration, some colors to steal, or simply another cool-looking widget to fill up your dashboard and impress your friends, here you go.

Firewheel Design


Pourpre is a useful site which provide a color palette generator.



Krazydad is a Experimental Colr Pickr.


Color Palette Generator

Generate a color palette based on an image.

Color Palette Generator

Color Suckr

Create color schemes based on photos for use in your artwork & designs.

Color Suckr


A very useful online Color Scheme Generator.


EasyRGB Color

This site provides information and services related to color technology.

EasyRGB Color

Whats its Color

Whats its color is an image-color processing utility that will evaluate an image and give you the image’s primary and complementary dominant colors of an image, how many visually unique colors are in an image, and the top ten visually unique colors in an image. Extremely useful when creating any type of designs around an image.

Whats its Color


Create and find color palettes made from images.


Elvan Online

You can either use the RGB sliders or directly the type RGB or HEX values to change the main color. Use “Lighten” and “Darken” buttons to change the lightness. Use “Saturate” and “Desaturate” buttons to change the saturation. You can also choose from different harmony and variation formulas. Adobe Flash Player 6 required to view Elvan Online.

Elvan Online

Infohound Color Schemer

This color schemer is a simple tool to help you experiment with various color schemes for your next web or print project.

Infohound Color Schemer

Random Color Tool

Shows Eight Random Colors (4 of which are web-safe). Find new colors with this handy tool. Use the suggestions to make your own unique palettes.

Random Color Tool

Color Palette Generator

Upload an image to generate a color palette based on the image’s primary colors. Useful for quickly grabbing a particular color within an image for inspiration.

Color Palette Generator

Color Mixer Tool

Blend two colors together to create a set of mixed colors.

Color Mixer Tool


Tangerine color management software provides graphic designers and creative professionals with a unique color workflow experience. Now you can have the color you want, when you want it, how you want it. Tangerine offers new and enhanced color support to OS X.


4096 Color Wheel

A very useful online color scheme generator.

4096 Color Wheel


With this tool you can easily select any color from your screen.



ColorPix is a neat little app that will let you grab the color values and screen coordinates at any pixel on your screen. ColorPix automatically translates any screen color into RGB, HEX, HSB and CMYK color values, and comes with a zoom-able magnifier built in!



A very useful online color scheme generator.



The 216 Color Webmaster’s Palette.


I Like Your Colors

Type the URI of a page and submit it to see what colors it uses.

I Like Your Colors


The application allows users to experiment with color combinations, examine them under the aspect of accessibility guidelines and to create custom color palettes.



The Ultimate Tool for Web 2.0 Designers.


Peter Piper’s Palette Picker

Peter Piper’s Palette Picker is a very useulf online tool to get your color combination.

Peter Piper


Now you can quickly and easily assemble your own colour scheme – simply choose any number of bold or muted colours, then add as many neutrals as you see fit – you’ll have a Web2.0 masterpiece in no time at all!


Colour Mod

Colour Mod lets you pick your color from the color swatch and displays its preview, value and position in the color scale.

Colour Mod

Color Palette Genrator from Big Huge Labs

Upload a photo and a color palette based on the colors in the photo will be generated automatically which can be used in art projects, website design, or even with decorating your home.
Color Palette Genrator from Big Huge Labs

Color Rotate

Browse color palettes, or create your own. Adjust, mix and blend to your heart’s content.

Color Rotate

Relay Tips: 一极乐https://yijile.com/log/46/